Our Guide to Bird Removal
Aanteater Pest Control & Wildlife Services
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Aanteater uses a wide variety of bird control solutions tailored to control any nuisance bird problem.
Welded wire mesh
This is perhaps the most common exclusion method of bird control. It is used where birds have entered vent openings or other small areas. We use a galvanized welded wire mesh to cover the opening and prevent birds from gaining access. This product is extremely durable and can be easily formed to fit any small application.
Bird spike
Made with a clear flexible base and blunt tipped steel spikes and installed on current perching and roosting locations, bird spike is an effective way to exclude birds from ledges and signs. The spikes don't hurt the bird but make it impossible for them to land. The spikes are glued or screwed down. At close distances they are noticeable, higher up the spikes become virtually invisible.
Bird netting
Bird netting is similar in function to welded wire mesh except that it is used to exclude birds from much larger areas such as balconies or parking garages. Bird netting is extremely durable and can be expected to last many years. A stainless steel cable is attached around the perimeter of the area to be excluded, then the net is attached using small steel rings. It is a permanent solution providing excellent control. Zippers can also be installed where access to equipment is necessary.
Shock track
Shock track is a discreet bird deterrent system that has the advantage of deterring all species of birds. It employees an intermittent electric pulse which while unpleasant, does not injure birds in any way. The track is less than 1inch in height so it is excellent in areas where aesthetics are important.
Trapping pigeons is a useful short term method of immediately reducing a determined population followed by exclusion. Effective trapping requires pre-baiting and consistent follow up visits.
Bird mites
Often bird infestations are followed closely by infestations of parasitic bird mites. Bird mites appear as tiny black moving black dots too small to be easily seen without a magnifying glass. If the birds are not removed bird mite populations will grow rapidly and in turn they will infest the entire residence or building. Symptoms on humans include red irritated bites, often with intense itching. In a residence mites will congregate where humans are found, usually the bedrooms closest to the entry point on the exterior of your house. Over a thousand bird mites may emerge from a single nest. All Aanteater technicians are licensed by the ministry of the environment. It is illegal for an unlicensed technician to perform an extermination. Once a house is badly infested it becomes very difficult to eradicate. Make sure your bird control technician is properly licensed and insured to handle pesticides.
Looking for Bird Removal Services in Hamilton Ontario?
The only way an infestation can be eradicated is with the help of a pest control specialist. Please do not hesitate to call one of our trained professionals in Hamilton at Aanteater Pest Controll and Wildlife Services at 905-387-9300 or toll free at 1-888-390-PEST(7378). Our licensed and friendly exterminators will be happy to inspect your home and give you a free quote.
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