Our Guide to Skunk Removal

Aanteater Pest Control & Wildlife Services

Aanteater Pest Control and Wildlife Services strictly adhere to an all-encompassing and sustainable integrated pest management strategy when dealing with skunks.

Live trapping is seldom a reasonable option as it does not provide protection from other animals, such as raccoons or other skunks, from moving in to replace the original occupant. It can prove very frustrating, time consuming, and expensive in most scenarios. The scent of a skunk den site is an extremely powerful attractant to other animals looking for a place to live. Our goal is to provide the best long term solution to the problem, and based on our data and record keeping, animal exclusion has shown to be the most effective and cost efficient method of permanent skunk removal. Our best efforts are always made to prevent the skunk from being harmed and guaranteeing that a new animal will not replace it. Our knowledgeable technicians will install a one-way door on the entry point. This allows the skunk to leave but they will not be able to get back in. The door is temporary, and has a trigger to let the technician know when the skunk has left. The technician will also let you know of other potential entry points, most notably the perimeter of the affected area (i.e. under a deck or shed) and will recommend trenching and screening the problem areas. Skunks can be very determined to get back to their den site so it is always recommended to do a complete exclusion on your home or business. Once the skunk is excluded from your premises we recommend “fogging” the area with a deodorizer, this helps to remove the scent of the den site.

Trapping vs. Exclusion

It is illegal to move an animal more than 1 kilometer away from the point of capture. Not only is it illegal to move them more than 1 kilometer, but it is ineffective without proper exclusion work on your home or business. Live trapping is effective in catching skunks, but doesn’t provide a long term solution in keeping skunks out of your home or business. Another skunk or other animal in the area will smell the den site and take up residence. Skunks are well known to nest in burrows constructed by other animals. Moving the animal to a new habitat also increases the chance of spreading rabies amongst other wild animals. Skunks are very shy animals, but under stress, they will spray you or your pets. The skunk has musk glands and can shoot a liquid that has an awful odor. First, it gives a warning when something approaches. It stiffens its legs, stamps the ground with its feet, snaps its teeth, and its hairs stand up. Then the skunk swings its rear end around, lifts its tail up out of the way and shoots. Out comes a terrible-smelling yellow mist. The spray can go as far as four meters. Live trapping is effective in a few rare situations, but on the whole exclusion provides the best results for the lowest cost. We guarantee all our work and will do our best to protect your financial investment.

Skunks Under a Deck or Shed

Skunks have become accustomed to humans, thriving in various agricultural areas, mixed woods, meadows and heavily populated urban areas. In the fall, skunks begin feeding extensively, building up fat reserves for winter hibernation. With the onset of cold weather, skunks seek out dens, becoming relatively inactive for the winter. Areas that provide dark and secure hiding places such as under barns, sheds, decks and porches are the most common sites in urban and rural areas. Skunks under a deck or shed can go un-noticed to the untrained for a prolonged period of time. Often times people are unaware that they have a skunk living under a deck or shed until ultimately the skunk sprays in the general area of the den site. However, there are other signs which can be observed in determining if there is a skunk present. Look for holes approximately 4”-6” in diameter around the base of your deck or porch. Skunks will always dig immediately in front of the base of a deck or porch to gain access to the underside. Since there are a wide variety of designs for porches and decks, it may be possible that the skunk doesn’t even have to dig to gain entry to the underside of the structure, in which case hiring a professional is likely your best course of action. Skunks are not very good climbers so the likely hood of a skunk getting into an attic is nil. Please refer to the raccoon or squirrel section for noises in an attic.


Looking for Skunk Removal Services in Hamilton Ontario?

The only way an infestation can be eradicated is with the help of a pest control specialist. Please do not hesitate to call one of our trained professionals in Hamilton at Aanteater Pest Controll and Wildlife Services at 905-387-9300 or toll free at 1-888-390-PEST(7378). Our licensed and friendly exterminators will be happy to inspect your home and give you a free quote.